DVC (Data Version Control) Implementation in ML Version Control

Managing datasets, models, and experiments efficiently is crucial for machine learning (ML) workflows. Git alone isn't well-suited for handling large datasets and binary files. This is where Data Version Control (DVC) comes in—a powerful tool for managing ML projects by tracking data, models, and pipelines seamlessly with Git.

Why Use DVC for ML Projects?

  • Version Control for Data & Models: Similar to Git but optimized for large files.

  • Efficient Storage: Uses remote storage (S3, Google Drive, Azure, etc.) for large files.

  • Reproducibility: Tracks datasets and models alongside code.

  • Pipeline Management: Automates data processing workflows.

Setting Up DVC

Step 1: Install DVC

pip install dvc

Step 2: Initialize DVC in Your Repository

git init
dvc init
git commit -m "Initialize DVC"

Step 3: Track Large Data Files

dvc add dataset.csv

This creates a .dvc file that tracks the dataset without storing it in Git.

Step 4: Commit and Push Changes

git add dataset.csv.dvc .gitignore
git commit -m "Track dataset with DVC"
git push

Step 5: Configure Remote Storage

dvc remote add -d myremote s3://my-bucket/path/
dvc push

This pushes the dataset to cloud storage instead of Git.

Step 6: Retrieve Data in a New Environment

git clone <repo_url>
dvc pull

This downloads the dataset from remote storage.

Automating ML Pipelines with DVC

DVC allows defining ML pipelines using dvc.yaml:

    cmd: python preprocess.py raw_data.csv processed_data.csv
      - raw_data.csv
      - preprocess.py
      - processed_data.csv

Run the pipeline with:

dvc repro

Best Practices for DVC in ML

  1. Use Remote Storage: Store datasets in S3, Google Drive, or Azure.

  2. Version Data & Models: Maintain different versions for reproducibility.

  3. Integrate with CI/CD: Automate workflows with DVC and GitHub Actions.

  4. Collaborate Efficiently: Enable team access to datasets without bloating repositories.


DVC simplifies data and model versioning, ensuring reproducibility and efficient collaboration. Integrating DVC into ML workflows makes managing datasets and pipelines seamless.